Friday, January 15, 2010


I should be a DJ. Yo.

I have alot on my mind at the moment, but can't really think of how to put it. Especially with so many pictures floating around. So...I'll do just pictures now and all that extra stuff later maybe.


I drew this while on the plane, in my tiny chair and little eating table thing. I got eraser all over the place. I hope the plane people don't hate me now bcause of that. I actually used a mech pencil this time. I always yell at everyone to not use them, but I guess they're alright for sketching, no so much for finished peices though. I stole Tom's one, that he got from Allen for Christmas. It's a Parker one. It is awesome.


So I did a couple more sketches with it. Mainly of my Jesus. He has a Dan Wesson PPC revolver. And cool boots. Look at them.


He shoots at people on roof tops. Lol, Eric drew the Jesus with the balls.


He fights people like St. Sebastian Or,


This guy. The Anti-Christ. AND HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW... I don't think I like the look of Sebastian though. Arms and arrows ar supposed to go completely around but then I got lazy and what not. He just looks like some hobo, and thats Jesus' job. I'll figure it out soon enough. I won't say much at all about this story. Because, it's my story. So , here's them fighting.


1 comment:

  1. Dude, such nice sketches! That one at the top is particularly nice, varying line weight and so neat and straight! I can't do that at all.

    Also, I always use mechanical pencils. *Bad*
